Summer School 2024: CO2 capture, transport, and storage in subsurface


Summer School 2024: CO2 capture, transport, and storage in subsurface


19. aug 09:00 - 23. aug 2024 16:00


DTU, Lyngby Campus, Ørsteds Plads, Building 341, Auditorium 23


DTU Offshore - Danish Offshore Technology Centre


Hamid Nick

Continuing education

Summer School 2024: CO2 capture, transport, and storage in subsurface

Learn more about CCS through this intensive high-level course.

The summer school provides a full week of teaching, presentations, and excursions.

The DTU Offshore Summer School on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), focusing on the cutting-edge world of CO2 storage solutions, will take place August 19-23 at the Technical University of Denmark.

This intensive one-week course aims to give participants a deep understanding of CO2 storage, its challenges, and opportunities. Industry experts will present case studies of CO2 storage sites, including depleted hydrocarbon fields and saline aquifers such as the Bifrost, Northern Lights, and CO2RYLUS projects.

Topics covered include CO2 trapping mechanisms, cold CO2 injection, numerical modelling of storage at various scales, multi-physical processes, and their impact on injectivity, as well as rock, well, and reservoir integrity. Additionally, participants will explore repurposing infrastructures for CCS, CO2 capture technology, reservoir simulations, CO2-induced corrosion, wellbore integrity, geomechanics, containment, and Denmark’s CCS plans.

The program also includes a field trip and offers participants the chance to present and discuss their CCS-related work with experts.

View the preliminary program 


Hamid Nick

Hamid Nick Senior Researcher Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: 9351 1497