Ten years of R&D for the offshore industry form the base of the centre's capabilities and know-how.

If your company in the offshore sector has a problem, we may have the technical solution. Our employees possess a deep knowledge of the many complicated issues that pertain to the offshore industry, and the centre’s cross-functional approach ensures focus on the full picture.
By working closely with partners in the industry, academic institutions, and government agencies, we combine cutting-edge research with practical industry insights to develop innovative, impactful solutions.
Collaboration is a cornerstone of our approach. Our team of high-level researchers and experts with industry background ensures that we leverage a broad range of knowledge and capabilities to address complex challenges in the offshore industry.
Contact us if you want to know more about DTU Offshore’s capabilities. For a detailed overview, explore the details provided below. You can also visit our laboratory pages or discover more about the Radical Innovation Sprint concept.Experimental
- Coreflooding of regular & tight rock samples with CO2, water, oil, gas
- Rock strength measurements
- Fluid analysis and Fluid-Rock interaction measurements
- AFM, QEMScan, FTIR spectroscopy, Mass spectrometry, Chromatography
- Dynamic high resolution micro-CT scanning for rock measurements and visualization (e.g. tri-axial confined stress at reservoir conditions)
- Developing sensor based monitoring solutions
- Fracture modelling (reservoir, topseal, overburden, multilayer)
- Multiphysics THMC modelling (including geomechanics)
- Rock–fluid interaction and surface complexation modelling
- Reactive Transport modelling
- Thermodynamic modelling at interfaces
- Microbial modelling
Know-how / Expertise
- Subsurface development scenario evaluation
- CO2 impurity balance across reservoir and wells
- Upscaling from molecular scale, to coreplug scale, to field scale
- Integrated system analysis (experiments, reservoir, wells, surface)
- Value chain and business case evaluation of CO2 capture, transport and storage (energy requirements and costs)
- Injectivity optimization
- Well Barriers in CO2 storage scenarios
- Quantifying environmental impact through biodegradability and eco-toxicity measurements
- Measuring toxic components through various techniques including capillary electrophoresis
- Microfluidics measurements of droplet coalescence
- Reservoir behaviour during produced water reinjection studies
- Process control of produced water treatment
- Modelling of oil/water separation in presence of production chemicals
- Modelling of oil droplet evolution in the sea
- Modelling of advanced filtration of produced water
Know-how / expertise
- Development of green chemicals (biocide, corrosion/scale inhibitors, H2S scavengers)
- Development of on-line monitoring sensors and techniques, including Capillary Electrophoresis, Fluorescence and MOF-based sensors on optic fibers
- Development and pilot testing of cleaning technology processes, including MBBR bioreactor, hydrothermal oxidation and membrane technology
- Lab measurement of relperms, capcurves, rock mechanics behaviour
- Coreflooding of regular and tight rock samples
- Core plug cleaning and aging of tight rock (chalk w. clay)
- Mini, normal and long core flooding of tight formation
- Fluid and rock compositional analysis using chromatography, mass spectrometry, FTIR spectroscopy, AFM and QEMscan techniques
- Measurement of swelling capabilities in shales
- Developing methods for quantifying permeability in shallow permeable zones
- Expert use and development of SLB tools (Petrel, Eclipse, Intersect, Visage)
- Multi-physics THMC modelling
- Geomechanics modelling
- Geochemical modelling
- Modelling of fracture propagation in reservoir and overburden for CO2 storage, waterflooding and depletion drive scenarios
- Modelling of subsurface biohydrogen production
- Modelling of subsurface energy storage, including hydrogen
Know-how / expertise
- Integrated Development planning and modelling
- Oil field experience of primary, secondary and tertiary recovery schemes
- Industry and research experience of rock compaction and subsidence
- Upscaling of experimental measurements to core scale, sector scale and field scale
- Geothermal energy
- Geophysical, sedimental analysis and microbial analysis to understand natural hydrocarbon seepage in North Sea
- Understanding of structural impact on marine species
- Understanding natural hydrocarbon seepage around Oil & Gas platforms and changes over time
- Development of sensors for monitoring of dissolved methane
- Testing the effect of oils, materials and chemicals used in offshore wind turbines
- Modelling potential CO2 leak including impurities, chemical and biological reactions in reservoir and during leak
- Modelling impact of potential CO2 leak (with impurities) on microbial seabed life
- Modelling and optimizing energy consumption for CCS value chain
- Modelling and improving the environmental impact of offshore wind turbines
Know-how / expertise
- Development of tool boxes for understanding environmental baselines pre- abandonment and pre- CO2 injection
- Creating understanding of offshore structures impact on marine species
- Monitoring solutions for abandoned oil and gas fields
- CO2 leak composition and impact on seabed microbial life
- Understanding of CCS value chain energy consumption
- Coreflooding of regular & tight rock samples with CO2, water, oil, gas for verification of blocking reservoir prior to abandonment
- Fluid analysis and Fluid-Rock interaction measurements
- NMR, XRD, X-ray micro tomography
- Dynamic high resolution micro-CT scanning for barrier material
- Developing sensor based monitoring solutions
- Scale production in lab facilities for testing purpose
- Modelling and optimizing well barriers incl interaction between barrier materials like cement and metal and glass etc
- Modelling potential Methane leak including chemical and biological reactions in reservoir and during leak
- Modelling impact of potential Methane leak on microbial seabed and marine life
- Modelling and improving the environmental impact of offshore wind turbines
Know-how / expertise
- Development of tool boxes for understanding environmental baselines pre- abandonment
- Creating understanding of offshore structures impact on marine species
- Monitoring solutions for abandoned oil and gas fields
- Methane leak composition and impact on seabed microbial life
- Understanding of Abandonment CO2 emission impact
- High operational experience level for abandonment aspects, incl. coiled tubing, slickline, cementation and barrier testing.
Simon Ivar Andersen Research Director and Professor, Chemical Impact of Offshore Energy Production Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: 9351 0758