Radical Innovation Sprint

The Radical Innovation Sprint concept has as its mission to push traditional thinking and ways of working in research to unlock the full potential of ideas.

Our RIS Team is ready to welcome you joining a strong network of researchers and specialists.

RIS – Radical Innovation Sprint – is a dynamic, research-based innovation concept with a specific line of sight for application. With this method you can test ideas allowing for fast-paced research-based innovation.

Radical Innovation participants can put forward their high-risk/high-reward ideas to a given open Radical Innovation Sprint call. Companies can utilize the method to put forward their industry perspective and challenge statements and harvest promising, yet radical research-based innovation making sure their company stays relevant in transformative times.

The Radical Innovation Sprint method is developed specifically to nurture ideas that can radically transform the industry and/or challenge statement. It is an open call to anyone who can come up with ideas that they perceive as “radical”. In other words: It’s a unique opportunity to try those ideas which otherwise never get further than the drawing board.

Innovation experts
The Radical Innovation Sprint method is developed by the innovation experts in our Radical Innovation Sprint team. The method is simple and consists of three main phases:

  • Ideation phase
  • Selection and preparation phase
  • Research phase

Radical Innovation Sprints (starting in 2017) have within eight rounds received more than 430 ideas, of which 80 were selected and funded. Each round has resulted in fostering groundbreaking ideas allowing  more than 40 researchers to receive funding for their idea following completion of the Radical Innovation Sprint.

These research projects are evaluated as having a radical novelty and a high market potential, thus outcompeting traditional research-based innovation.

The RIS team is continuously engaging with industry partners looking to solve their challenge statements via Radical Innovation Sprint and more.

How to get started

  • Easy and simple submission: You submit your idea by filling in a simple budget form and a poster in A3 format.
  • Subject matter specialists can help you mature your idea prior to submission of your application.
  • The applications will be evaluated in double-blind anonymized form by a committee.

Whether you have a drawer with ideas that you dream of bringing to life, or are simply curious of what the Radical Innovation Sprint have to offer, do not hesitate to contact the RIS team.

You may write to: offshore-ris@dtu.dk

Understand the RIS concept

Our innovation experts have designed the Radical Innovation Sprint with three major phases: Ideation, Selection & Preparation and Research phase. During each phase our innovation experts carefully facilitate the process ensuring a perfect mixture of creativity and industry knowledge being added to the brilliant minds of interested researchers and other peers.   

During the Ideation phase the Radical Innovation Sprint team facilitates travel our continuously expanding network offering presentations, workshops, 1:1 coffee meetings in addition to connecting the right peers.

The innovation experts will provide you with industry introduction and/or a challenged statement at the very right level for your creativity to be unleashed. The team also conducts ideation on either individual level or in groups. Additionally, you can receive feedback prior to idea submission, which is proven to increase the radical potential of your idea. Application is simple, double anonymous and designed to enable radical ideas to be visualized.

During the selection and preparation phase, the Radical Innovation team designs a committee with 12-15 experts who evaluate and rank the ideas according to how radical they find the ideas. As such our innovation experts take no part in the evaluation. The committee consists of industry experts, experts from other industries, researchers, and innovation experts. The committee members remain anonymous to all but our Radical Innovation Sprint team. The assigned budget defines how far down the ranking ideas are offered funding. Those offered funding start preparing for the Research phase.

In the Research phase ideas have 3 months to start exploring the idea. During this phase each sprinter (research/exploration team) will be assigned to a dedicated innovation expert from the Radical Innovation Sprint team. The innovation experts will help by feeding in needed industry knowledge, advise on how to tackle and remove the most obvious road blockers and simply help encourage the team in a time with fast pace and preliminary results. During the research phase fellow sprinters also get to meet each other in Peer Inspirational Teams called PIT stops allowing for networking and assistance from peers.

At the end of the Research phase each sprint team delivers a report in an article format, a pitch of your idea and a slide show. All which is to be shared at a close out day of celebration in front of a targeted audience.

Academic publishing

Each time, a Radical Innovation Sprint round is completed, an article collection with the findings is published. If you want to read the articles or get inspiration for your own RIS project, you can contact us and obtain a copy of the relevant article compilation(s).

Please note that the article compilations are only available in printed form:

Radical Innovation Sprint 2017

Radical Innovation Sprint 2018

Radical Innovation Sprint 2019

Radical Innovation Sprint 2019-20 (Produced Water Edition)

Radical Innovation Sprint 2020

Radical Innovation Sprint 2021

Radical Innovation Sprint 2022

Radical Innovation Sprint 2023-24
