State-of-the-art CCS Lab Facilities for CO2 Storage Solutions

DTU Offshore Labs Pioneering CO2 Storage Solutions with Advanced Analysis and Experiments

Photo by Thomas Steen Sørensen.
Core samples showcasing geological formations studied to evaluate CO2 storage potential and reservoir properties.

Integrated Solutions for CO2 Injection and Storage

By combining experimental data with advanced modeling, DTU Offshore offers reliable and actionable solutions for COinjection and storage. Whether through routine analyses or specialized experiments, our facilities support the energy sector in advancing sustainable practices and addressing site-specific challenges.

Key Capabilities

Our comprehensive lab services include:

  • Geochemical Behavior: Evaluating mineral dissolution, precipitation, and the impact of impurities.
  • Geomechanical Analysis: Conducting triaxial/uniaxial tests and acoustic measurements.
  • Flow Behavior: Utilizing core flooding, CT scanning, resistivity measurements, and HPHT microfluidics.
  • Special Core Analyses: Measuring relative permeability, pore size distribution, wettability, and interfacial tension.
  • Fluid Analyses: Assessing ionic composition, density, and viscosity under ambient and HPHT conditions.

DTU Offshore’s laboratories are at the forefront of COstorage research, offering the expertise and tools needed to unlock the full potential of underground storage.


Birgitte Dalsgaard Larsen

Birgitte Dalsgaard Larsen Geoscience Advisor Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: +4593511836

Karen Louise Feilberg

Karen Louise Feilberg Senior Researcher Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: +45 93511420