TC2023: Young researchers and the energy transition high on the agenda

225 participants from industry, academia, and authorities met to discuss the energy transition at the Danish Offshore Technology Conference 2023.

After a great poster session, the final item on the agenda was the poster awards where scientists got deserved appraisal for their research and for communicating it to a broader audience. View all the award winners in the box below.

Mentimeter results

During the conference breakout session ’Impact on the marine environment of energy transition activities’ we took advantage of having a lot of experts gathered in one room.

Between the presentations we therefore asked the participants four questions through the digital ‘mentimeter’ tool to understand their view on where the energy transition will cause challenges for the marine environment and where they see opportunities.

View the result from the poll in the presentation.


Julie Skajaa Wøldike

Julie Skajaa Wøldike Communications Officer Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: +45 93510553

Dorthe Degn

Dorthe Degn PA Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: 2239 1412