PhD defence by Hossein Younesian-Farid

PhD defence by Hossein Younesian-Farid


07. mar 13:00 - 16:00


Vagn Aage Jeppesens Vej
Building 421, Auditorium 73
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


DTU Offshore

PhD defence

PhD defence by Hossein Younesian-Farid

An integrated study for reservoir clogging: A pore-scale to near well scale approach.

Temporary sealing of porous media is an important stage in well abandonment programs. This research explores bio-clogging through microbial and enzymatic induced calcite precipitation (MICP/EICP) as an innovative solution to reduce permeability in carbonate formations.

 A thorough experimental analysis, modelling, and simulation provide key insights into nucleation sites' impact on biomineralisation kinetics, bacterial transport in carbonate media, and clogging dynamics in different domains. 

The findings highlight the suitability and effectiveness of MICP/EICP for well abandonment while also raising new research questions in the field.


  • Senior Researcher, Hamidreza M. Nick, DTU Offshore
  • Researcher, Moein Jahanbani Veshareh, DTU Offshore


  • Prof. Sarah Eileen Gasda, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
  • Prof. Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez, ETH Zürich
  • Prof. Irene Rocchi, DTU


Hamid Nick

Hamid Nick Senior Researcher Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: 9351 1497