Summer School 2023
The Summer School extends for a duration of two weeks in August.

The fourth Summer School took place in August 2023:
Week 1, August 14-18, 2023: Produced Water Management
Week 2, August 21-25, 2023: CO2 capture, transport, and storage in subsurface
Produced Water Management: towards zero harmful Discharge to the Ocean
Week 1, August 14-18, 2023.When oil or gas is produced water is coproduced. This water is called produced water. If discharged to the ocean there are stringent regulatory specifications on the quality of this water and to the environmental impact. Besides minimizing the water production two general technical routes are to either improve cleaning of the water by optimization and new technologies, or by reinjecting the water either into the oil/gas reservoir or inject another geological storage formation.
The course aims at giving you in depth understanding of the fundamental sciences of the nature of this water necessary to improve the quality and to reach what is known as zero harmful discharge. Waters have to be treated, and addition of necessary production chemicals upstream of the water treatment systems may have an adverse impact on the performance of treatment units. You will get an in depth understanding of the issues related to both water treatment and reinjection, with many practical case stories and examples.

CO2 capture, transport, and storage in subsurface
The climate change effects on the environment are driving the implementation of measures to reduce CO2 emissions. CO2 capture and storage (CCS) can play an important role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions during this century. Currently, the number of large-scale CCS projects is increasing considerably making CCS a key technology for the energy transition.
The course is suitable for students, engineers, and researchers who would like to learn more about the various aspects of CCS. The course will cover many aspects of the CCS including: CO2 injection, CCS vs CCUS, energy analysis and CO2 emission of CCUS, seal and trap for CCS, Measurement, Monitoring & Verification for offshore CCS, Geomechanics of CO2 storage, injectivity, containment, CO2 capture technology, challenges of simulations, machine learning and digital twin, CCS risks, CCS in Denmark, and a field trip.

Venue: DTU Lyngby Campus, Ørsteds Plads 341, auditorium 23, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
Fees and registration
- Attendees from industry organizations and authorities: DKK 4,000 (2,000 + 2,000 DKK)
- Academic staff and Post doc researchers: DKK 3,000 (1500 + 1500 DKK)
- Students: DKK 1,000 (500+ 500 DKK)
We thank all the participants for a successful event.
Hamid Nick Senior Researcher Mobile: 9351 1497
Simon Ivar Andersen Research Director and Professor, Chemical Impact of Offshore Energy Production Mobile: 9351 0758