Bifrost: An Innovative CO₂ Storage Project

Project Bifrost is an EUDP-financed project about transport and offshore storage of CO₂. The aim is to provide a long-term solution for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) in Denmark by using existing infrastructure in the Danish North Sea.

The Harald Field is the location for the offshore part of project Bifrost.

Project Bifrost aims at unlocking the potential for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) in the Danish North Sea by reusing the existing infrastructure related to current oil and gas operations. The infrastructure consists of depleted offshore oil and gas fields owned by the DUC partners as well as the pipelines connecting to shore, which are owned by Ørsted.

The project aims at a permanent geologic storage of CO2, effectively building bridges from current fossil fuel extraction to carbon neutrality. Bifrost will therefore play a key role in reaching the Danish decarbonization goals, while at the same time providing an alternative to the work force currently connected to oil and gas production. 

Bifrost was awarded its full funding request from the ‘Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme’ (EUDP) – a Danish public subsidy scheme.

Sandstone vs chalk

The project focuses on the Harald field in the North Sea. The field has two developed gas reservoirs: The Harald West sandstone and the Harald East chalk. Bifrost seeks to demonstrate the reuse of existing wells for injection and storage of CO2 in the sandstone reservoir.

Further, an important part of project Bifrost is to demonstrate the feasibility of CO2 storage in chalk reservoirs. This will enable a substantial scale-up for the geological storage potential in Danish waters, as other DUC chalk fields may be repurposed for CO2 storage as production ceases.

Bifrost will also analyse and demonstrate how to transport the CO2 to the storage facilities as well as assess environmental risks. In addition to technological development, the project will advance monitoring technologies and protocols as well as improved understanding of the socio-economic aspects associated with CCS.

Results ready during 2024

Preliminary results from the studies have shown that the former gas fields can function as good storage reservoirs. This applies to both the rate at which the CO2 can be stored in the reservoirs as well as the capacity and integrity of the reservoirs.

The project will reach its conclusion during 2024 and results will be made publicly available. Thus, “Bifrost” will deliver the facts needed for decision-making on how to transport and store CO2 offshore.

Bifrost facts

The project aims to solve the most important technical challenges for COtransport and storage in the depleted reservoirs in the Danish North Sea. The five specific objectives are:

  • Objective 1: To demonstrate the use of depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs for COstorage and the corresponding facilities for COinjection.
  • Objective 2: To confirm the potential of Harald East chalk reservoir for COstorage and thereby unlock the large chalk reservoir storage potential in the DUC portfolio.
  • Objective 3: To determine the infrastructures necessary for COtransportation (pipeline and shipping) and the offshore floating offloading facilities towards COstorage.
  • Objective 4: To monitor environmental risks of CCS, including focus on innovative monitoring technologies.
  • Objective 5: To study public acceptance and the socio-economic impact of CCS.

Bifrost facts

The Bifrost project is led by a consortium consisting of the DUC partners (TotalEnergies, BlueNord, and Nordsøfonden), Ørsted, and DTU.

As DUC operator, TotalEnergies will lead the partnership and perform technical studies of the reuse of the Harald field infrastructure for COstorage as well as COtransportation by ship.

Ørsted owns the pipeline infrastructure connecting the DUC offshore fields and installations to shore. Ørsted will conduct technical studies for repurposing of the existing pipeline infrastructure to COtransportation.

DTU Offshore is the academic partner delivering technical studies. This implies laboratory testing, numerical simulations, and development of innovative technologies for monitoring. Socioeconomic studies are conducted by DTU Management in order to explore sector integration, the positive impacts of innovation, export opportunities, and job creation from a new CCS industry.

Bifrost is financed by the public EUDP programme (Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme).

Why a CCS project? Hear about Bifrost from three of the project partners.
Learn more about CO2 storage and Bifrost - an EUDP-funded development project - in this video.


Ulla Hoffmann

Ulla Hoffmann Programme Director Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: 9351 1360