Energy Transition Research
DTU Offshore is driving the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future.

DTU Offshore is at the forefront of the energy transition in the North Sea, transforming it from an oil and gas hub to a centre for sustainable energy solutions.
With energy supply under pressure and increasing demand for emission reductions, our research is crucial in improving energy production and making underground CO2 storage possible in order to combat climate change.
We are pioneering innovative technologies and digital solutions aimed at achieving zero emissions to the atmosphere and zero harmful discharges to the sea. Our collaborative projects with industry partners leverage global trends and emphasize high-level innovation, ensuring a significant impact on the Danish North Sea and beyond.
Hamid Nick Senior Researcher Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: 9351 1497
Simon Ivar Andersen Research Director and Professor, Chemical Impact of Offshore Energy Production Danish Offshore Technology Centre Mobile: 9351 0758