CO₂ Storage

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the most promising technologies in addressing climate change. DTU Offshore is conducting research within various aspects relevant for storage of CO₂.

Core-flooding experiment under preparation in the laboratories as part of our CO₂ storage research activities.

Climate change is a serious global challenge, and one way to address this challenge is by storing CO₂ in the underground. This will make the road to Net Zero Emission shorter, and it holds great potential for implementing Net Minus strategies.

DTU Offshore uses our in-depth knowledge about the subsurface and infrastructure in the Danish North Sea to support Denmark in becoming a European hub for CO₂ storage. Reaching this target will require research and technology development as well as continued focus on the entire value chain and upscaling potential.

Our CO₂ storage research programme was initiated in 2021 and is already showing promising results. We are working on a variety of projects with the aim of ensuring the safety and cost-effectiveness of subsurface storage of CO₂:

  • CO2 containment oriented projects include analysing the integrity of subsurface reservoirs when CO₂ is injected, developing CO₂ monitoring sensors and systems, and minimizing the environmental impact in the unlikely event of a potential CO₂ leak.

  • Research projects focusing on cost effective CO₂ storage include re-utilization of existing infrastructure and wells as well as enhancing long-term well barrier integrity.

The EUDP-funded Project Bifrost has DTU Offshore as its academic partner on the technical part of the development and demonstration project. We investigate the suitability of chalk reservoirs for CO₂ storage and develop monitoring technologies. Bifrost will demonstrate the feasibility of CO₂ injection into depleted gas reservoirs Harald West (sandstone) and Harald East (chalk) and the re-utilization of existing Harald infrastructure.

We are open to start new collaborations concerning CO₂ storage with companies, academic partners, authorities, and other partners.

Why a CCS project? Hear about Bifrost from three of the project partners.
Learn more about CO2 storage and Bifrost - an EUDP-funded development project - in this video.